1 场景
(1)完整的一条消息被系统拆分成几条发送,例如要发送一条消息:Hello World ,却被系统分成两条消息发送,分别为:Hello 和 World。
(2)几条独立的消息被系统合成一条消息发送,例如要发送两条消息分别为:a memory from my past和it’s been a year,却被系统和成一条消息发送:a memory from my pastit’s been a year。
2 协议格式
Data Length:数据长度,1个字节,即Data的字节总数,
CS:校验值,1个字节,type、data length、data三个域所有字节的异或值,实际中并没用到校验
3 程序设计
3.1 解析思路
1、 S收到消息M1。S把消息M1拷贝到缓存Q中,Q为循环队列。假如M1的长度大于Q的剩余空间,则只拷贝剩余空间大小的字节到Q。
2、 从Q的当前指针开始,查找帧头<Head>。如果找到,则当前指针向后移2个字节位置,继续查找<Type>;如果没找到,则删除前1个字节,当前指针向后移1个字节位置,继续查找<Head>
3、 从Q的当前指针开始,查找<Type>。如果Q中至少还剩一个字节,则表示找到,当前指针向后移1个字节位置,否则退出解析。
4、 从Q的当前指针开始,查找<DataLength>。如果Q中至少还剩一个字节,则表示找到,当前指针向后移1个字节位置,否则退出解析。
5、 从Q的当前指针开始,向后移DataLength个字节位置,查找<End>。如果找到,则从Q中取出一条完整的消息P1,并从Q中删除此消息空间,调用外部的回调函数;否则删除帧头的第一个字节a5,当前指针指向帧头第二个字节a5位置,从步骤2开始,重新一轮解析。
3.2 数据结构
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typedef struct{ unsigned char data[SOCKET_MSG_SIZE]; //data int len; unsigned char type; }socket_msg; |
1 |
typedef void (*tp_socket_msg_handle)(int fd, socket_msg *msg,void *args); |
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typedef struct{ unsigned char buf[SOCKET_MSG_CACHE_SIZE]; //buffer for storing data read from client int front; int rear; int current; int len; int tag; //mark that whether the cache is full,1-full,0-not full cache_strategy strategy; tp_socket_msg_handle handle;//callback function to invoke when a message is parsed out void* args; //external parameter socket_msg recv_msg; //parsed message }socket_cache; |
3.3 关键实现
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//copy the unparsed data to cache, and parsed them int socket_msg_pre_parse( int fd, socket_cache *cache, unsigned char *buf, int len, void *args) { int n = 0; unsigned char *p = buf; //when reading buffer's length is greater than cache's left length, //we should copy many times. cache->args = args; while(1){ n = socket_msg_cpy_in(cache, p, len); if(n == 0){ return FALSE;//cache is full } //parse and handle socket message from cache socket_msg_parse(fd, cache); if(n == len){ return TRUE; //copy completed } //move the pointer p = p + n; len = len - n; } return TRUE; } |
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//parsed the packaged data, and invoke callback function void socket_msg_parse(int fd, socket_cache *cache) { int current_len; int p, q; int i; int find; if(cache->front == cache->rear && cache->tag == 0){ //D("socket cache is empty!\n"); return; } //calculate the current length of cache if(cache->current >= cache->front){ current_len = cache->len - (cache->current - cache->front); } else{ current_len = cache->rear - cache->current; } switch(cache->strategy){ case SEARCH_HEAD://to find a Head format in cache if(current_len < SOCKET_MSG_HEAD_SIZE){ return; } find = FALSE; for(i = 0; i < current_len - 1; i++){ p = cache->current; q = (cache->current + 1) % SOCKET_MSG_CACHE_SIZE; if( (cache->buf[p] == (SOCKET_MSG_HEAD >> 8))&& (cache->buf[q] == (SOCKET_MSG_HEAD & 0xff))){ find = TRUE; break; //exit for loop } else{ //current pointer move to next cache->current = q; //delete one item cache->front = cache->current; cache->len --; cache->tag = 0; } } if(find == TRUE){ //move 2 items towards next cache->current = (cache->current + 2) % SOCKET_MSG_CACHE_SIZE; //we found the head format, go on to find Type byte cache->strategy = SEARCH_TYPE; } else{ //if there is no head format ,delete previouse items LOGE("socket message without head: %x!\n",SOCKET_MSG_HEAD); //go on to find Head format cache->strategy = SEARCH_HEAD; } break; case SEARCH_TYPE://to find the type byte in cache if(current_len < SOCKET_MSG_TYPE_SIZE){ return ; } //get the value of type //cache->type = cache->buf[cache->current]; cache->recv_msg.type = cache->buf[cache->current]; cache->current = (cache->current + 1) % SOCKET_MSG_CACHE_SIZE; //we found Type byte, go on to find Datalen format cache->strategy = SEARCH_LEN; break; case SEARCH_LEN://to find the datalen byte in cache if(current_len < SOCKET_MSG_LEN_SIZE){ return ; } if(cache->buf[cache->current] > SOCKET_MSG_DATA_SIZE){ LOGE("the data len of message out of size: %d!\n",SOCKET_MSG_DATA_SIZE); //delete the frist item 'a5' //move back 2 items cache->current = cache->current >= 2 ? (cache->current - 2) : (SOCKET_MSG_CACHE_SIZE - 2 + cache->current); cache->front = cache->current; //length sub 2 cache->len -= 2; cache->tag = 0; //go on to find Head format cache->strategy = SEARCH_HEAD; } else{ //get the value of datalen //cache->data_len = cache->buf[cache->current]; cache->recv_msg.len = cache->buf[cache->current]; cache->current = (cache->current + 1) % SOCKET_MSG_CACHE_SIZE; //we found datalen byte, go on to find End format cache->strategy = SEARCH_END; } break; case SEARCH_END: if(current_len < (cache->recv_msg.len + SOCKET_MSG_END_SIZE)){ return; } //because we have known the data bytes' len, so we move the very //distance of datalen to see if there is End format. p = (cache->current + cache->recv_msg.len) % SOCKET_MSG_CACHE_SIZE; q = (cache->current + cache->recv_msg.len + 1) % SOCKET_MSG_CACHE_SIZE; if( (cache->buf[p] == (SOCKET_MSG_END >> 8))&& (cache->buf[q] == (SOCKET_MSG_END & 0xff)) ){ socket_msg_cpy_out(cache, cache->recv_msg.data, cache->current, cache->recv_msg.len); if(cache->handle != NULL){ //cache->handle(fd, cache->buf + cache->data_index, cache->data_len); cache->handle(fd, &cache->recv_msg, cache->args); } //delete all previous items cache->current = (q + 1) % SOCKET_MSG_CACHE_SIZE; cache->front = cache->current; cache->len -= (cache->recv_msg.len + SOCKET_MSG_FORMAT_SIZE); cache->tag =0; } else{ LOGE("socket message without end: %x!\n",SOCKET_MSG_END); //delete the frist item 'a5' //move back 3 items cache->current = cache->current >= 3 ? (cache->current - 3) : (SOCKET_MSG_CACHE_SIZE - 3 + cache->current); cache->front = cache->current; //length sub 3 cache->len -= 3; cache->tag = 0; } //go on to find Head format cache->strategy = SEARCH_HEAD; break; default: break; } //parse new socket message socket_msg_parse(fd,cache); } |