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//新建连接成功后,会调用该函数 virtual void ConnectionEvent(Conn *conn) { } //读取完数据后,会调用该函数 virtual void ReadEvent(Conn *conn) { } //发送完成功后,会调用该函数(因为串包的问题,所以并不是每次发送完数据都会被调用) virtual void WriteEvent(Conn *conn) { } //断开连接(客户自动断开或异常断开)后,会调用该函数 virtual void CloseEvent(Conn *conn, short events) { } //发生致命错误(如果创建子线程失败等)后,会调用该函数 //该函数的默认操作是输出错误提示,终止程序 virtual void ErrorQuit(const char *str); |
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//TcpEventServer.h #ifndef TCPEVENTSERVER_H_ #define TCPEVENTSERVER_H_ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <string.h> #include <errno.h> #include <signal.h> #include <time.h> #include <pthread.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <map> using std::map; #include <event.h> #include <event2/bufferevent.h> #include <event2/buffer.h> #include <event2/listener.h> #include <event2/util.h> #include <event2/event.h> class TcpEventServer; class Conn; class ConnQueue; struct LibeventThread; //这个类一个链表的结点类,结点里存储各个连接的信息, //并提供了读写数据的接口 class Conn { //此类只能由TcpBaseServer创建, //并由ConnQueue类管理 friend class ConnQueue; friend class TcpEventServer; private: const int m_fd; //socket的ID evbuffer *m_ReadBuf; //读数据的缓冲区 evbuffer *m_WriteBuf; //写数据的缓冲区 Conn *m_Prev; //前一个结点的指针 Conn *m_Next; //后一个结点的指针 LibeventThread *m_Thread; Conn(int fd=0); ~Conn(); public: LibeventThread *GetThread() { return m_Thread; } int GetFd() { return m_fd; } //获取可读数据的长度 int GetReadBufferLen() { return evbuffer_get_length(m_ReadBuf); } //从读缓冲区中取出len个字节的数据,存入buffer中,若不够,则读出所有数据 //返回读出数据的字节数 int GetReadBuffer(char *buffer, int len) { return evbuffer_remove(m_ReadBuf, buffer, len); } //从读缓冲区中复制出len个字节的数据,存入buffer中,若不够,则复制出所有数据 //返回复制出数据的字节数 //执行该操作后,数据还会留在缓冲区中,buffer中的数据只是原数据的副本 int CopyReadBuffer(char *buffer, int len) { return evbuffer_copyout(m_ReadBuf, buffer, len); } //获取可写数据的长度 int GetWriteBufferLen() { return evbuffer_get_length(m_WriteBuf); } //将数据加入写缓冲区,准备发送 int AddToWriteBuffer(char *buffer, int len) { return evbuffer_add(m_WriteBuf, buffer, len); } //将读缓冲区中的数据移动到写缓冲区 void MoveBufferData() { evbuffer_add_buffer(m_WriteBuf, m_ReadBuf); } }; //带头尾结点的双链表类,每个结点存储一个连接的数据 class ConnQueue { private: Conn *m_head; Conn *m_tail; public: ConnQueue(); ~ConnQueue(); Conn *InsertConn(int fd, LibeventThread *t); void DeleteConn(Conn *c); //void PrintQueue(); }; //每个子线程的线程信息 struct LibeventThread { pthread_t tid; //线程的ID struct event_base *base; //libevent的事件处理机 struct event notifyEvent; //监听管理的事件机 int notifyReceiveFd; //管理的接收端 int notifySendFd; //管道的发送端 ConnQueue connectQueue; //socket连接的链表 //在libevent的事件处理中要用到很多回调函数,不能使用类隐含的this指针 //所以用这样方式将TcpBaseServer的类指针传过去 TcpEventServer *tcpConnect; //TcpBaseServer类的指针 }; class TcpEventServer { private: int m_ThreadCount; //子线程数 int m_Port; //监听的端口 LibeventThread *m_MainBase; //主线程的libevent事件处理机 LibeventThread *m_Threads; //存储各个子线程信息的数组 map<int, event*> m_SignalEvents; //自定义的信号处理 public: static const int EXIT_CODE = -1; private: //初始化子线程的数据 void SetupThread(LibeventThread *thread); //子线程的入门函数 static void *WorkerLibevent(void *arg); //(主线程收到请求后),对应子线程的处理函数 static void ThreadProcess(int fd, short which, void *arg); //被libevent回调的各个静态函数 static void ListenerEventCb(evconnlistener *listener, evutil_socket_t fd, sockaddr *sa, int socklen, void *user_data); static void ReadEventCb(struct bufferevent *bev, void *data); static void WriteEventCb(struct bufferevent *bev, void *data); static void CloseEventCb(struct bufferevent *bev, short events, void *data); protected: //这五个虚函数,一般是要被子类继承,并在其中处理具体业务的 //新建连接成功后,会调用该函数 virtual void ConnectionEvent(Conn *conn) { } //读取完数据后,会调用该函数 virtual void ReadEvent(Conn *conn) { } //发送完成功后,会调用该函数(因为串包的问题,所以并不是每次发送完数据都会被调用) virtual void WriteEvent(Conn *conn) { } //断开连接(客户自动断开或异常断开)后,会调用该函数 virtual void CloseEvent(Conn *conn, short events) { } //发生致命错误(如果创建子线程失败等)后,会调用该函数 //该函数的默认操作是输出错误提示,终止程序 virtual void ErrorQuit(const char *str); public: TcpEventServer(int count); ~TcpEventServer(); //设置监听的端口号,如果不需要监听,请将其设置为EXIT_CODE void SetPort(int port) { m_Port = port; } //开始事件循环 bool StartRun(); //在tv时间里结束事件循环 //否tv为空,则立即停止 void StopRun(timeval *tv); //添加和删除信号处理事件 //sig是信号,ptr为要回调的函数 bool AddSignalEvent(int sig, void (*ptr)(int, short, void*)); bool DeleteSignalEvent(int sig); //添加和删除定时事件 //ptr为要回调的函数,tv是间隔时间,once决定是否只执行一次 event *AddTimerEvent(void(*ptr)(int, short, void*), timeval tv, bool once); bool DeleteTImerEvent(event *ev); }; #endif |
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//TcpEventServer.cpp #include "TcpEventServer.h" Conn::Conn(int fd) : m_fd(fd) { m_Prev = NULL; m_Next = NULL; } Conn::~Conn() { } ConnQueue::ConnQueue() { //建立头尾结点,并调整其指针 m_head = new Conn(0); m_tail = new Conn(0); m_head->m_Prev = m_tail->m_Next = NULL; m_head->m_Next = m_tail; m_tail->m_Prev = m_head; } ConnQueue::~ConnQueue() { Conn *tcur, *tnext; tcur = m_head; //循环删除链表中的各个结点 while( tcur != NULL ) { tnext = tcur->m_Next; delete tcur; tcur = tnext; } } Conn *ConnQueue::InsertConn(int fd, LibeventThread *t) { Conn *c = new Conn(fd); c->m_Thread = t; Conn *next = m_head->m_Next; c->m_Prev = m_head; c->m_Next = m_head->m_Next; m_head->m_Next = c; next->m_Prev = c; return c; } void ConnQueue::DeleteConn(Conn *c) { c->m_Prev->m_Next = c->m_Next; c->m_Next->m_Prev = c->m_Prev; delete c; } /* void ConnQueue::PrintQueue() { Conn *cur = m_head->m_Next; while( cur->m_Next != NULL ) { printf("%d ", cur->m_fd); cur = cur->m_Next; } printf("\n"); } */ TcpEventServer::TcpEventServer(int count) { //初始化各项数据 m_ThreadCount = count; m_Port = -1; m_MainBase = new LibeventThread; m_Threads = new LibeventThread[m_ThreadCount]; m_MainBase->tid = pthread_self(); m_MainBase->base = event_base_new(); //初始化各个子线程的结构体 for(int i=0; i<m_ThreadCount; i++) { SetupThread(&m_Threads[i]); } } TcpEventServer::~TcpEventServer() { //停止事件循环(如果事件循环没开始,则没效果) StopRun(NULL); //释放内存 event_base_free(m_MainBase->base); for(int i=0; i<m_ThreadCount; i++) event_base_free(m_Threads[i].base); delete m_MainBase; delete [] m_Threads; } void TcpEventServer::ErrorQuit(const char *str) { //输出错误信息,退出程序 fprintf(stderr, "%s", str); if( errno != 0 ) fprintf(stderr, " : %s", strerror(errno)); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); exit(1); } void TcpEventServer::SetupThread(LibeventThread *me) { //建立libevent事件处理机制 me->tcpConnect = this; me->base = event_base_new(); if( NULL == me->base ) ErrorQuit("event base new error"); //在主线程和子线程之间建立管道 int fds[2]; if( pipe(fds) ) ErrorQuit("create pipe error"); me->notifyReceiveFd = fds[0]; me->notifySendFd = fds[1]; //让子线程的状态机监听管道 event_set( &me->notifyEvent, me->notifyReceiveFd, EV_READ | EV_PERSIST, ThreadProcess, me ); event_base_set(me->base, &me->notifyEvent); if ( event_add(&me->notifyEvent, 0) == -1 ) ErrorQuit("Can't monitor libevent notify pipe\n"); } void *TcpEventServer::WorkerLibevent(void *arg) { //开启libevent的事件循环,准备处理业务 LibeventThread *me = (LibeventThread*)arg; //printf("thread %u started\n", (unsigned int)me->tid); event_base_dispatch(me->base); //printf("subthread done\n"); } bool TcpEventServer::StartRun() { evconnlistener *listener; //如果端口号不是EXIT_CODE,就监听该端口号 if( m_Port != EXIT_CODE ) { sockaddr_in sin; memset(&sin, 0, sizeof(sin)); sin.sin_family = AF_INET; sin.sin_port = htons(m_Port); listener = evconnlistener_new_bind(m_MainBase->base, ListenerEventCb, (void*)this, LEV_OPT_REUSEABLE|LEV_OPT_CLOSE_ON_FREE, -1, (sockaddr*)&sin, sizeof(sockaddr_in)); if( NULL == listener ) ErrorQuit("TCP listen error"); } //开启各个子线程 for(int i=0; i<m_ThreadCount; i++) { pthread_create(&m_Threads[i].tid, NULL, WorkerLibevent, (void*)&m_Threads[i]); } //开启主线程的事件循环 event_base_dispatch(m_MainBase->base); //事件循环结果,释放监听者的内存 if( m_Port != EXIT_CODE ) { //printf("free listen\n"); evconnlistener_free(listener); } } void TcpEventServer::StopRun(timeval *tv) { int contant = EXIT_CODE; //向各个子线程的管理中写入EXIT_CODE,通知它们退出 for(int i=0; i<m_ThreadCount; i++) { write(m_Threads[i].notifySendFd, &contant, sizeof(int)); } //结果主线程的事件循环 event_base_loopexit(m_MainBase->base, tv); } void TcpEventServer::ListenerEventCb(struct evconnlistener *listener, evutil_socket_t fd, struct sockaddr *sa, int socklen, void *user_data) { TcpEventServer *server = (TcpEventServer*)user_data; //随机选择一个子线程,通过管道向其传递socket描述符 int num = rand() % server->m_ThreadCount; int sendfd = server->m_Threads[num].notifySendFd; write(sendfd, &fd, sizeof(evutil_socket_t)); } void TcpEventServer::ThreadProcess(int fd, short which, void *arg) { LibeventThread *me = (LibeventThread*)arg; //从管道中读取数据(socket的描述符或操作码) int pipefd = me->notifyReceiveFd; evutil_socket_t confd; read(pipefd, &confd, sizeof(evutil_socket_t)); //如果操作码是EXIT_CODE,则终于事件循环 if( EXIT_CODE == confd ) { event_base_loopbreak(me->base); return; } //新建连接 struct bufferevent *bev; bev = bufferevent_socket_new(me->base, confd, BEV_OPT_CLOSE_ON_FREE); if (!bev) { fprintf(stderr, "Error constructing bufferevent!"); event_base_loopbreak(me->base); return; } //将该链接放入队列 Conn *conn = me->connectQueue.InsertConn(confd, me); //准备从socket中读写数据 bufferevent_setcb(bev, ReadEventCb, WriteEventCb, CloseEventCb, conn); bufferevent_enable(bev, EV_WRITE); bufferevent_enable(bev, EV_READ); //调用用户自定义的连接事件处理函数 me->tcpConnect->ConnectionEvent(conn); } void TcpEventServer::ReadEventCb(struct bufferevent *bev, void *data) { Conn *conn = (Conn*)data; conn->m_ReadBuf = bufferevent_get_input(bev); conn->m_WriteBuf = bufferevent_get_output(bev); //调用用户自定义的读取事件处理函数 conn->m_Thread->tcpConnect->ReadEvent(conn); } void TcpEventServer::WriteEventCb(struct bufferevent *bev, void *data) { Conn *conn = (Conn*)data; conn->m_ReadBuf = bufferevent_get_input(bev); conn->m_WriteBuf = bufferevent_get_output(bev); //调用用户自定义的写入事件处理函数 conn->m_Thread->tcpConnect->WriteEvent(conn); } void TcpEventServer::CloseEventCb(struct bufferevent *bev, short events, void *data) { Conn *conn = (Conn*)data; //调用用户自定义的断开事件处理函数 conn->m_Thread->tcpConnect->CloseEvent(conn, events); conn->GetThread()->connectQueue.DeleteConn(conn); bufferevent_free(bev); } bool TcpEventServer::AddSignalEvent(int sig, void (*ptr)(int, short, void*)) { //新建一个信号事件 event *ev = evsignal_new(m_MainBase->base, sig, ptr, (void*)this); if ( !ev || event_add(ev, NULL) < 0 ) { event_del(ev); return false; } //删除旧的信号事件(同一个信号只能有一个信号事件) DeleteSignalEvent(sig); m_SignalEvents[sig] = ev; return true; } bool TcpEventServer::DeleteSignalEvent(int sig) { map<int, event*>::iterator iter = m_SignalEvents.find(sig); if( iter == m_SignalEvents.end() ) return false; event_del(iter->second); m_SignalEvents.erase(iter); return true; } event *TcpEventServer::AddTimerEvent(void (*ptr)(int, short, void *), timeval tv, bool once) { int flag = 0; if( !once ) flag = EV_PERSIST; //新建定时器信号事件 event *ev = new event; event_assign(ev, m_MainBase->base, -1, flag, ptr, (void*)this); if( event_add(ev, &tv) < 0 ) { event_del(ev); return NULL; } return ev; } bool TcpEventServer::DeleteTImerEvent(event *ev) { int res = event_del(ev); return (0 == res); } |
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/* 这是一个测试用的服务器,只有两个功能: 1:对于每个已连接客户端,每10秒向其发送一句hello, world 2:若客户端向服务器发送数据,服务器收到后,再将数据回发给客户端 */ //test.cpp #include "TcpEventServer.h" #include <set> #include <vector> using namespace std; //测试示例 class TestServer : public TcpEventServer { private: vector<Conn*> vec; protected: //重载各个处理业务的虚函数 void ReadEvent(Conn *conn); void WriteEvent(Conn *conn); void ConnectionEvent(Conn *conn); void CloseEvent(Conn *conn, short events); public: TestServer(int count) : TcpEventServer(count) { } ~TestServer() { } //退出事件,响应Ctrl+C static void QuitCb(int sig, short events, void *data); //定时器事件,每10秒向所有客户端发一句hello, world static void TimeOutCb(int id, int short events, void *data); }; void TestServer::ReadEvent(Conn *conn) { conn->MoveBufferData(); } void TestServer::WriteEvent(Conn *conn) { } void TestServer::ConnectionEvent(Conn *conn) { TestServer *me = (TestServer*)conn->GetThread()->tcpConnect; printf("new connection: %d\n", conn->GetFd()); me->vec.push_back(conn); } void TestServer::CloseEvent(Conn *conn, short events) { printf("connection closed: %d\n", conn->GetFd()); } void TestServer::QuitCb(int sig, short events, void *data) { printf("Catch the SIGINT signal, quit in one second\n"); TestServer *me = (TestServer*)data; timeval tv = {1, 0}; me->StopRun(&tv); } void TestServer::TimeOutCb(int id, short events, void *data) { TestServer *me = (TestServer*)data; char temp[33] = "hello, world\n"; for(int i=0; i<me->vec.size(); i++) me->vec[i]->AddToWriteBuffer(temp, strlen(temp)); } int main() { printf("pid: %d\n", getpid()); TestServer server(3); server.AddSignalEvent(SIGINT, TestServer::QuitCb); timeval tv = {10, 0}; server.AddTimerEvent(TestServer::TimeOutCb, tv, false); server.SetPort(2111); server.StartRun(); printf("done\n"); return 0; } |
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qch@LinuxMint ~/program/ztemp $ g++ TcpEventServer.cpp test.cpp -o test -levent qch@LinuxMint ~/program/ztemp $ ./test pid: 20264 new connection: 22 connection closed: 22 ^CCatch the SIGINT signal, quit in one second done |